I have about 2 months left here and I have a blast. I was so very lucky to have been placed with such a phenomenal family. I have grown to love this family as if I were born into it. The kids and older siblings have grown to like me. We have a good relationship. Everyday they tell me they will cry when I leave. I know I will do the same. My host mothers at first were really hard on me, but now are very proud of me and tell me so. My host father is amazing, has been from the beginning. He is progressive, reasonable, considerate, and of good morale standing. The respect I have for him is hard to express. I hope to grow up and be like him. I have learned so many things from him. He has been a hell of a counterpart and a damn good host. We have achieved a lot together.
The projects I have completed have been very successful. We are moving forward constantly. My field I paid for and fenced is looking great! My trees look good, are healthy, my fence is solid , my host father will reap the benefits in the future. He is going to be rich someday! My duck project is going strong. The whole family helps with the work. That project may be a future money-maker. My HIV/AIDS football tournament was an incredible success. Probably the best project I have worked on so far in my young life. I have to credit where credit is do, I could have not done it without the help of three other volunteers that were involved every step of the way. We did an amazing job and depend on who you talk to...didn't receive the credit we deserve. It is hard to believe that 10 months before we had are first kick-off, it all started with me and another volunteer talking about a simple football tournament over a few too many beers, in a shady bar, in a shady African town, during the hottest part of the day.
The thing that goes through my head is how incredibly lucky I am to end up here at this point in my life. I don't know much about the whole God thing, but I do feel blessed. I am 26 soon to be 27 years young and have received a wealth of knowledge that I feel only something like this can offer. Speaking, joking, and giving advice in a local language is an experience that in itself is wonderful. For your village to embrace you and not treat you like some stranger anymore is a great thing. The sad part is that this is happening now and I have to leave. But it is my time to go. I had planned to stay another year at one point, do to many things including Peace Corps politics, I have decided to come home and start over again. I am not going to fool you, I am scared as shit. I feel like I have forgotten everything. It may be funny watching me readjust.
There are so many things that this service has shown me and giving me. When I came here I had such low self-esteem. I didn't love myself of respect myself. I wasn't proud of anything I had done in the past. I felt inferior to everyone I spoke to and somewhat meaningless in the large scheme of things. Now I can say that I do not feel this way anymore at all. I have had a lot of time to think here and it has helped me come to terms with my life and who I am and I am proud of that. Another thing this service has giving me is a sense of connection with people that I have never had before. The friends I have made here are friends I hope to keep for the rest of my life. I have built a bond with so many volunteers here and it has been wonderful. I feel we all have grown together through this experience...what a bond that makes! I have learned that anyone can learn a language(well almost anyone.) I sure hell thought I couldn't, but I can get around pretty damn well with broken local language. I always thought I was pretty independent before this, if I wasn't before, I know I am now. I have learned here to laugh at myself and things around me. Laughing is good for your health and I need that after smoking for so long. I don't know what my life will offer me, but eventually I will stumble upon something. I am excited about it and will enter it with an open mind. I look forward to seeing whats next. Whatever it is I feel like I am prepared for it.