Friday, February 5, 2010

A Possible Project

I have been feeling better lately and am over what may have been ailing me. Well, I think my host father Mustapha and I have come up with a large scale project. I am going to be creating with the help of my village and other surrounding villages a community garden. This project will consist of a well fenced in garden made with qulaity materials and hopefully, hopefully a well. There are some problems though. Funding this project is very expensive in Gambian terms and the community has to help with the cost. I am not sure at this moment how that will work. I have realized that there are a lot of unforseen factors that will have to be overcome. But, only one can try. I want to look into a few smaller projects first. I am not sure what that will consist of yet, but I am sure I will find something. Well, other than this I am doing well and staying busy. I miss you all and will update when something comes up.